Below is a simple "Hello World" Sway contract that we want to index. This contract has a function called new_greeting
that logs a Greeting
and a Person
use std::logging::log;
struct Person {
name: str[32],
struct Greeting {
id: u64,
greeting: str[32],
person: Person,
abi Greet {
fn new_greeting(id: u64, greeting: str[32], person_name: str[32]);
impl Greet for Contract {
fn new_greeting(id: u64, greeting: str[32], person_name: str[32]) {
log(Greeting{ id, greeting, person: Person{ name: person_name }});
We can define our schema like this in the schema file:
# Calling this `Greeter` so as to not clash with `Person` in the contract
type Greeter @entity {
id: ID!
name: Charfield!
first_seen: UInt8!
last_seen: UInt8!
visits: Blob!
# Calling this `Salutation` so as to not clash with `Greeting` in the contract
type Salutation @entity {
id: ID!
message_hash: Bytes32!
message: Charfield!
greeter: Greeter!
first_seen: UInt8!
last_seen: UInt8!
Now that our schema is defined, here is how we can implement the WASM module in our
//! A "Hello World" type of program for the Fuel Indexer service.
//! Build this example's WASM module using the following command. Note that a
//! wasm32-unknown-unknown target will be required.
//! ```bash
//! cargo build -p hello-indexer --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
//! ```
//! Start a local test Fuel node.
//! ```bash
//! cargo run -p hello-world-node --bin hello-world-node
//! ```
//! With your database backend set up, now start your fuel-indexer binary using the
//! assets from this example:
//! ```bash
//! cargo run --bin fuel-indexer -- run --manifest examples/hello-world/hello-indexer/hello_indexer.manifest.yaml --run-migrations
//! ```
//! Now trigger an event.
//! ```bash
//! cargo run -p hello-world-data --bin hello-world-data
//! ```
extern crate alloc;
use fuel_indexer_utils::prelude::*;
#[indexer(manifest = "examples/hello-world/hello-indexer/hello_indexer.manifest.yaml")]
mod hello_world_indexer {
fn index_logged_greeting(event: Greeting, block: BlockData) {
// We're using the `::new()` method to create a Greeter, which automatically
// generates an ID for the entity. Then, we use `::get_or_create()` to
// load the corresponding record from the database, if present.
let greeter = Greeter::new(,
vec![1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].into(),
// Here we show how you can use the Charfield type to store strings with
// length <= 255. The fuel-indexer-utils package contains a number of helpful
// functions for byte conversion, string manipulation, etc.
let message = format!(
"{} 👋, my name is {}",
let message_hash = first32_bytes_to_bytes32(&message);
let salutation = Salutation::new(
// Finally, we save the entities to the database.;;
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